WITH YOU IN MIND 


All prices in USD

After a complimentary 30-minute Live, Personal and Private Discovery Call (preā€meet), all packages are paid in advance. All prepaid sessions are set according to payer's written expressed initiative, as coordinated with provider, within 30 days of date of payment.

All fees are non-refundable. 

For each real-time, live session completed, recipients will receive at least one Re-Minder message, initiated by service provider. All packages include optional Tune-Ups. A Tune-Up session is a spontaneous written exchange initiated by service recipient, with written service provider response occurring within two business days. 

All sessions fulfilled by

Joseph Broussard, M. Ed.-Counseling

Find out which package is best for you, with a Complimentary Live Discovery Call


Maintenance 30-Day Package

One (1) pre-scheduled live session with 1 Re-Minder and 1 optional Tune-Up session 


Re-Calibration 30-Day Package

Four (4) scheduled live sessions with 4 Re-Minders and up to 4 Tune-Up sessions


 Hybrid 30-Day Package

Three (3) scheduled live sessions with a minimum of 3 written Re-Minders and up to 3 Tune-Ups


Expansion 90-Day Package 

Twelve (12) scheduled sessions over the course of 90 days, coordinated with daily Re-Minders and weekly Tune-up option


FitMind Transformation 90-Day Package

Eighteen (18) scheduled sessions over three (3) months with 18 personalized Re-Minders and  weekly Tune-Up option   




All fees are non-refundable.

Extensions to 30-day package timelines may be purchased at any time. 

All services are at-will, scheduled upon initiated request of payer.

Services may be refused or permanently discontinued for any reason at discretion of service provider. Recipient will be directly notified by practitioner upon refusal of service, should this be the case. 

All sessions and related communication are subject to service provider availability. This includes delay of practitioner response time, which may be suspended for various reasons, at which point recipient will be notified via auto-reply as soon as possible.

All schedule requests submitted a minimum of 48 hours in advance, and confirmed a minimum of 24 hours in advance will be considered for fulfillment.



Pay at time of booking, here:
